Women adore jewellery. They love to mix and match different jewellery designs in order to get that perfect look.
Coco Chanel has famously been quoted as saying, “Before you leave the house, a lady should stop, look in the mirror, and remove one piece of jewelry”. That explains how important it is to stop yourself from overdoing your jewellery.
Here we have listed some really crucial points for every woman out there for wearing right jewellery at the right occasion;
Choosing Earrings
Earrings come in various sizes from chandelier earrings to studs. Though, what to wear when depends a lot on the occasion – For a formal setting, always go for medium sized earrings to not overdo the look.
Whenever you are confused and not sure what to wear just pick up the timeless diamond or pearl studs for that elegant and gracious look.
Getting the earrings and necklace combo right
Never wear large earrings with a large necklace. When wearing a very simple necklace with a beautiful pendant, choose large earrings to balance the look.
Wearing bracelets
Never wear bracelets if you are already planning to wear a large ring. Your hand should not look cluttered. Don’t give your hand a clunky and bling-bling look. Keep it simple and easy.
What jewellery to wear at your workplace
Large, clunky designs are a strict no-no. The choice of your jewellery should be governed by your outfit and occasion. In formal setups, stick by the thumb rule – Less is more. Go for a single jewellery piece which highlights your personality in a balanced and defined way.
Necklace and Necklines
These two bear an inverse relation with each other. If your outfit has an elaborate neckline then it’s better to skip the necklace, for example if you are wearing V-shaped necklace then wearing a simple and elegant pearl necklace will be enough to give a gracious look.
Are You Overdoing Your Jewellery?